Yesterday’s Tides: Book Review

BOOK BY: Roseanna M. White

What a refreshing take for a dual time story!

Readers are treated to a story that traces complicated relationships of family and friends who live on Ocracoke Island in 1914 and 1942. What I loved about this story is that neither an object nor letter/diary connects the two storylines. Instead, we see characters from both time periods as young and older people, eventually connecting the dots for readers.

1914 – Louisa lives and works at her family inn on Ocracoke Island, though her heritage is a complete mystery. A love story, but a tragic one leaves her believing a lie.

1942 – Evie Farrow lives with her grandmother, taking care of their family inn on Ocracoke Island. A stranger washes up on shore which sets off an interesting series of events that will eventually lead them to uncovering a horrible truth that happened in France during WW1.

A fantastic cast of characters with problems any reader can relate to, adds a splash of colour to this wartime tale. And what’s more, readers have a chance to revisit old friends from The Codebreaker Series, The Lady of the Manor series, and Shadows Over England series (though this book can be read without having read the other books).

My only negative was that the mission Evie and Sterling receives a lot of intrigue and hype, but the end result is somewhat anticlimactic. I thought there would be a lot more danger in the end.

Readers who love a dual time story and are looking for a fresh take on connecting the past to the present will enjoy Yesterday’s Tides by Roseanna White.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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