The Indigo Heiress: Book Review

BOOK BY: Laura Frantz

The Indigo Heiress takes place just before the American Revolution, and tells the story of a struggling plantation Loyalist family. The majority of their crop has been in tobacco plants, but also in indigo farming. The family has amassed huge amounts of debt at a time when tobacco credit is no longer acceptable.

Juliet Catesby has a keen eye for business. Her father’s declining health has left the majority of the work on her shoulders, including attending tobacco meetings in town. Lieth Buchanan is a saavy businessman from Scotland, owning several businesses in the US, as well as in Scotland. Theirs is an arranged marriage, an extremely slow-burn romance.

The first half of the story goes into detail about the indigo farming process – fascinating and well-researched. The stirrings of the revolution are touched on, as well as slavery in this part.  It isn’t until the mid-point that the story moves forward, introducing an interesting sub-plot that kept me reading.

There are plenty of secondary characters that add layers to Juliet and Leith’s story. Perfectly dislikable villains and sweet friends. The description of the settings provide vivid details, making it easy to envision the characters’ homes and plantation.

 This is a well-researched novel and definitely for readers who love digging deeper into historical details.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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