Tackling Your To Be Read Pile in 2022

I’m a bit late to the reading challenges races, but better late than never!

If any of you have done reading challenges, you’re probably well into the first challenge of the year. Perhaps you’ve been contemplating participating in a challenge, but haven’t started. Or, if you’re like me, you’ve decided you need to work through your ever growing to be read pile before clicking on the awesome sale of the latest e-book you want.

I wrote other blog posts on reader challenges. You can find them HERE.

Here are some fun, new challenges:

  • For every new book you purchase, you  must read ONE book from your TBR pile.
  • The main character (or secondary characters) must have the same name as: your significant other, your children, your parents, or your best friend.
  • The author is from your home town or home province/state
  • Read books published from the year you graduated from high school, college/university, married your significant other, children or grandchildren were born
  • The first twelve books listed in your ereader as THE OLDEST (the date you purchased them)

What I’m Reading

Currently, my e-reader is loaded with ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) from review sites or from book launch teams I’m thrilled to be a part of.

Like always, you’ll hear about book launches and blog tours I’m participating in. There are some fabulous new releases coming out this year, so stay tuned to the blog to find out who and when!

What I Want To Read from my TBR Pile

Well, here are some books from my bookshelf that I’d LIKE to re/read this year (though I’m not one to plan my reading schedule):

What books are on your list?

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