Relative Justice: Book Review

BOOK BY: Robert Whitlow

This was an interesting story about a family of lawyers who take on a case that’s not in their area of expertise, and how it affects their relationships with each other. It’s a narrative about honesty, integrity, justice, and God’s power in an individual’s life.

The characters are well thought out, and I especially liked Zeke.

The text is easy to read, with several short scenes per chapter. This is an unfamiliar writing style for me so it took some getting used to.

There’s plenty of excitement for a legal novel, though I wouldn’t classify it as a thriller. Technical explanations are relatively easy to understand, giving the reader a sense of the importance of the case. And the connections that are eventually made between secondary characters are intriguing. The underlying subplot creates delightful tension.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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