Never Forgotten: Book Review

BOOK BY: Hannah Linder

This book is full of intrigue and twists.

Georgina was abandoned by a man she loved and was engaged to, only to have him show up twelve years later – full of hate and towing two young children behind. Simon fled England for America in search of something beyond himself. When tragedy strikes, it sends Simon and his children back to England, only to discover more trauma.

Georgina is a sweet heroine, if not naïve by hanging on to the love she has for Simon. Simon is not a likeable character at all. He’s irresponsible, driven by youthful foolishness and then returns as a man full of hate and vengeance. It’s a wonder he ended up with a happily-ever-after!

Secondary characters are hard to read – but create an interesting diversion for both main characters. It’s easy to get lost in all the deception, not knowing who is responsible for any of the problems that arise. And poor Georgina – she gets the bad end of the stick all the time.

The majority of the intrigue is tied up at the end of the story, though I’m still not sure how the characters at the beginning found Simon. It’s not clear, and likely I’ll have to read it again to discover the answer!

The description of the fire is vivid – and may be difficult for some readers – but it’s a turning point in the story that is poignant.

Overall, this was an interesting read. I wanted to find out how all the characters were connected and what was actually going on behind the scenes.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinons expressed are my own.

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