The month of November ushers in the one year anniversary of my debut book release. I was going to plan a big online party or create a fantastic giveaway for my reader friends.

Another author friend sent out an inspiring newsletter celebrating her book’s one year anniversary. I could do that too! So off I went and created my own celebratory letter to faithful newsletter subscribers.
It’s still in my draft folder.
I admit, all of it sounded like fantastic ideas in my head.
But I’m tired.
And perhaps, if I’m truly honest, discouraged.
One year seems like a long time to get things done. And we have, as a family, accomplished a lot of things in 2021. We moved from the house in a medium-sized city we brought our babies home to, and have settled down in a lovely small town. It’s so small, we have no grocery store (there is a dépanneur on the main road if I’m stuck for ingredients or toiletries, that’s a plus!).
But, it’s a real-life experience that will teach me what it truly is like to live in a small town.
We’re learning to form friendships again, starting from knowing absolutely nobody in town. A small town is a friendly town, and protective of its own. No secrets here.
It makes me wonder how this will help shape my writing.
But as we settle in and as I watch the days on my calendar pass by, I’m still waiting for publishing news. I’ve written two novels, and am nearing the finish line with another first draft. My finished manuscripts are with my wonderful agent, but she is waiting on publishing too.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my short time of writing, it’s to hurry up, write your novel and then wait. And wait some more.
It seems I need a long lesson in patience – at least when it comes to the publishing world.
So, in honour of Snowbound in Winterberry Falls’s one year birthday, enjoy this short book trailer I created, while waiting…
And maybe, by the year end, I’ll finally be able to share some exciting publishing news.