Between the Sound and Sea: Book Review

BOOK BY: Amanda Cox

Amanda Cox just gets better and better.

Between the Sound and the Sea is a beautiful story of friendship and family that spans decades. It’s a story of second chances and finding home. There are so many beautiful threads are sewn together. It’s a story that readers can keep reading again and again.

Josephina – or Joey as her closest friends call her – is commissioned to restore a lighthouse. This new job provides the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate her life. Desperately wanting to hold on to the past, she’s forced to consider where her future really lies. And what she should be doing with her life.

I just loved everything about this story. The cast of characters are wonderfully flawed – adding a depth to the story that keeps readers connected to the various struggles of Joey, Finn, Wally, and Peter. The historical detail is rich and educational. The layers of emotion go deep, and the story twists at just the right spots. A subtle thread of hope and restoration runs through the entire read, pointing the characters and readers to the One who cares.

A dual time story, Between the Sound and the Sea, is a delightful summer read set in North Carolina’s Outer Banks, with plenty of folklore, mystery, and adventure to satisfy any reader.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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