After the Shadows: Book Review

BOOK BY: Amanda Cabot

This was an interesting historical novel.

The heroine has come home due to her husband’s death, which has left her homeless and penniless. Her mother recently died, so she hopes to comfort her sister only to discover her father dies too. But those aren’t the only deaths that happen for the duration of the story. Several deaths occur, leaving the reader wondering why the author keeps killing off secondary characters without an explanation – until we get about two-thirds the way through.

The hero of the story is likeable and gentle with the heroine. Though, he seems slightly too perfect, his role works well for the story.

There are characters to love and characters that you wish didn’t make it on the page.  The descriptions of the town and homes where people live are vivid, giving readers a clear picture of the setting.

There are some disturbing topics tackled – abuse, murder, and the treatment of one character with Down Syndrome, but each one is handled with sensitivity and the utmost care.

I received an ecopy from the publisher through Net Galley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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