The Christmas Tree Farm: Book Review

BOOK BY: Melody Carlson

Another easy Christmas read from Melody Carlson.

Madison has returned home from a mission trip to the family Christmas Tree farm, recently touched by wildfires. It’s a story of family, friendship, and reconciliation just in time for the holiday season.

The story is an easy, light read as readers follow Madison’s efforts to save the family farm. There is an abundance of characters that come in and out of Madison’s story – some likeable and some not. Perhaps the most difficult character to like is Madison’s sister Addie, who, in all appearances, is still the spoiled brat that Maddison remembers from childhood. It is easy to dislike her, but Madison perseveres in reconciling the relationship.

There are some awkward moments sprinkled throughout plenty of fun moments between Madison and other characters. Perhaps the most likeable secondary character is Madison’s love interest’s daughter, Lily.

Perhaps what’s different in this particular story, is the educational aspect of tree planting! I learned quite a bit about planting trees and how to care for a tree farm.

The romance portion of the story is slow, a friends to something more romance. Though the romance part doesn’t really pick up until the last quarter of the story.

There is a very light spiritual thread woven into the story at about the halfway point.

If you’ve enjoyed reading Christmas novels by Melody Carlson in the past, this is another great addition to your library.

I received an ebook copy from the publisher through Net Galley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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