Welcome back to our blog series, Celebrating Debut Authors of 2020-21.

I’m pleased to introduce you to fellow Anaiah author AND Canadian author, Melony Teague.

MELONY TEAGUE inspirational romance

BOOK TITLE: A Promise To Keep

RELEASE DATE: January 20, 2021

To find out more about the book, click HERE

To visit Melony online, click HERE


Michael’s approaching footfalls cut their conversation short. She was caught between wanting to explain and digging in her heels, in protest against Beverly’s foregone conclusions. Savannah set the basket of croissants on the table as Michael bustled in.

“Good morning, sunshine.” He moved in and kissed her on the cheek. “Allow me.” He pulled back her chair and looked ever so pleased with himself. Allow me?

Beverly would never believe they were just friends if he carried on like that. And why did he have to look so handsome in his T-shirt and smell better than the bacon and croissants? Beverly’s questions had tied her stomach in knots. Michael maneuvered her chair into place as she sat down, and then, he bounded around to his side of the table.

“Morning, Beverly.” He drew in an exaggerated breath. “Everything smells wonderful. I’m famished.”

“Did you have an extra helping of vitamins this morning?” Savannah kept all trace of chirpiness out of her voice. No need to fuel Beverly’s suspicions.

“Ah! I see I caught you precaffeine.” Michael’s gaze flicked to Beverly’s face. “She’s like a bear with a sore paw if she doesn’t get enough coffee before nine.”

“Right.” Beverly swiveled and headed for the kitchen. “I’ll get the coffeepot.”

“I’m not grouchy. I’m just not as full of jumping beans as you.”

“I’m looking forward to our day. I hope you wore your walking shoes, sunshine.”

Recalling yesterday’s sore feet, she’d prepared better this time. They didn’t exactly make the best fashion statement with her shorts, but comfort came first. “I did. There’s a walk we can take to an antique bookstore close by. But can you keep the enthusiasm on the down low until after the coffee arrives?”

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